Opportunities for sponsors
Чему вы научитесь на мероприятии?
(можно общими словами, а можно детализировать, исходя из тематик)
The Forum will include the exhibition of producers of medical expendable materials, pharmaceutical products that are innovative for the national market, as well as medical publishing houses.
Along with the high status of the sponsor, the company is granted with a whole range of business development opportunities
You are welcome to consider our cooperation offers for the organization of this unique project as a sponsor and an exhibitor. The dedicated Forum platform provides unique opportunities for partner commercial companies.
presenting your company, its products and developments to a broad diverse audience;

communicating with Russian and foreign opinion leaders in oncology and radiotherapy;

creating and expanding the potential business partner base;

learning about new technologies useful for the business development;

establishing personal informal contacts with the right people of narrow specialization with the least amount of effort and time on business trips;

Event planners offer the whole range of opportunities for your business
Introduce yourself to the professional audience
You will get a great opportunity to announce your company to a wide professional audience. Not only participants and invited experts, but also the event website visitors will receive information about you.

Establish direct contacts by sponsoring the Forum
You can significantly expand your client base and establish favorable business contacts, contributing to the growth of your business.

Improve your corporate image
Support of an important medical event organized by a well-known Russian medical institution will certainly have a beneficial effect on your corporate image. The status of a Forum sponsor will give you the opportunity to use it in your own advertising and PR campaigns.

Learn about the market status
In the course of the event you will receive new information beneficial for the development of your business.
To achieve these goals, special Sponsor Packages have been developed for different budgets. If you are interested in our offer, a representative of the Congress organizer will help you decide on the type of sponsorship that best suits your goals and objectives.
Alexander Matyugin
Т: 8 916 040 45 03
E-mail: mas@ashep.ru
Any questions?
E-mail: info@infforum.ru
Tel.: +7 (926) 918-96-80